Monday, June 18, 2012

Well it took long enough...

Although there is no picture to post, I have an important announcement to make. I finally have a beginning, middle and END to my story! It may not sound like much but at least now I have a clear direction on where to go, and it has changed most of the story considerably since its conception. I've always liked power fantasies but I like proper story progression more, and with a lot of tweaking on both the world and several characters, I think I'm coming close to my goal. At least now I can write the story arcs for each of the major plot points and be confident in starting it. My biggest fear is to start something and get stuck with something I don't like anymore because of decisions I made early on. That's why I never really stuck with doing the comic since I'd hate to give a false start to something I've put so much time and effort into, and believe me when I say time and effort. This story is a true work of passion and there hasn't been a day that has gone by without me thinking on it in one aspect or another. But now that the thought process is done and I have a lock on what to do, I can start scripting with confidence and begin my comic in full force. This is very important to me guys, so I hope anyone that's paying attention will look forward to what I've got in store.

Follow me friends, down the rabbit hole of my mind and see what oddities I've concocted there in.

Monday, February 14, 2011

City Scape

I've been doing a lot of design work on my own little personal world that Shadow and Shade inhabit. Let me walk you through a few things now that I've got you here.

This is probably the hardest to figure out what's going on. Essentially these are five picture thumbnails that I might be using for a full on drawing. The biggest one on the lower left side is mainly to get in the feeling I wanted of seeing a castle built into the bedrock and even hanging off the side of the cliff that their city faces.

This one is to give a general look at the stalactite homes that some of them live in. It's usually broken into two halves that work as apartments. Different ones have different sizes and they're anchored in by a root like system. The rock itself grows back so there is little decay and wear on the structure itself. The buildings usually have walkways on the lower part as well as a walk way attached to the roof of the cave. The ones on the roof usually just lead right to the exit while the pathways on the lower part are used to go from apartment to apartment. The bigger spaces are usually the versions where stalactites and stalagmites meet and are considered the more "posh" living spaces. Down on the ground they have more normal housing and business structures but most are built into the rockbed.

This is Shadow's room broken down from different perspectives. The top left is looking at the room after you walk in and turn right to look at the window. The door way is off to the right, the doors you see are ones that lead to her closet, the bed is to the left and it's located under some low hanging shelves.

Top right: We're looking at the doorway leading into the room.

Middle left: With the window at your back, this is the view of the room.

Small middle right: Break down of her room. There's a crawl space to the side and behind Shadow's closet.

Lower left: poster ideas of what Shadow may have decorated her room with.

Lower right: View of the room with the closet and door behind you.

Shade's room is next.
Top left: Looking at the doorway. There's a sunken table in the middle of the room and Shade sleeps in a bed that opens over a dresser built into the wall. There's a hammock as well for gusts or if Shade feels like sleeping differently. On the side of her bed is a small rack that she keeps her spear on. Might be dangerous having it hang out the way it is so I should turn the spear around to face the wall. The scribbling on the side is her clothes rack that takes up that side of the room.

Top right: just a closer look at the potential spear rack on her bed. just scribblings.

Middle left: With the bed and door behind you, this is the adjacent wall. There's another mattress hanging up in the rafters that Shade also uses sometimes. More posters, more mess and two bars on the ceiling. One in the corner and the other in the middle of the room. These bars are used for when she feels like working out or to hang stuff off of.

Middle right: with the door to your right, you're looking at the window. There's another poster on the ceiling.

Lower Left: with the window behind you, we can see Shade's clothes now.

Lower right: Shade's a pervert.

This is the bathroom. Decided to put more steampunk into this.

Top left: to the left we have the steamer, to the right we have the shower. The use the same water system. In the middle we have towels and a clothes hamper.

Top right: With the shower and steamer behind us, we have an ironing board and a door that leads to the cloths line.

Bottom: Clothes line... It goes up the side of the apartment.

Just another doodle of one of my characters.

Because I want to go more steampunk with my story, I decided that having an archer just doesn't fit in with the storyline anymore. So now the archer will become a gunner and this is his gun and watch.

The watch will work on a 28 hour timetable with a 7 day week and a 7 week month.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Here before anywhere else

I decided to post this stuff here before my devart page just cus I wanted to post it here first. So lucky you! Unless you don't check this place very often... which is understandable because I don't do that much here... soooo... yeah... well, for those few that do check it out, check it out!

HULK STRONGEST THERE IS!!! No, really. He's the strongest thing there is. We all know that the madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk gets. But did you know that when the Hulk can't beat someone, he gets mad? If the Hulk can't do what he wants to do, he gets mad, and if he still can't do it, he'll get madder that it won't move/stop moving/die. So since he's getting madder, he's getting stronger, and it'll go that way until he does what he wanted to do in the first place.

Yay! My Shadow cut out doll is finally done. Printed her up on some photo glossy paper and now she's seen here, pulling my thumb. I guess she wants me to hurry up back to the tablet so that I can finish her animation.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Birdskull Man and stuff

New posts are always fun.

Here's a far more defined look for the birdskull guy. I realized that I wanted to have him in a cape so that when he stood, he would be this long, skinny looking person. I think the main reason I couldn't get the other clothes to work with him was because I didn't have him posing right. Half his look is in his personality and the first time I drew him was far too stoic.

I'm thinking of making these two brother 'n sister. I'm not sure if I'll keep her look (she's on the left btw) as it is or not but I wanted a very tomboy look to her. You'll recognize her from earlier posts where I had the single character portraits. The brother, I'm not sure if I posted him up here before or not.

aaaaaaaand an animation I'm working on. Click it to see it move! I want to finish this as a real animation but it'll take some doing and probably more trial and error to get right.

Friday, November 5, 2010

I have been poked so I must respond prt 2

5 more drawings. I decided to split up the post so I can have something to bring people back again.

Digital Rum mentioned to me that having a female antagonist would be a good idea because it's an underused concept and I had to agree. Thinking on that idea, it caused me to remember an unused character from my past that I tried to recreate from memory. This... was my attempt. The sword may go and her look may change greatly now that she's in a new role, but I liked the look I made for her all those years ago.

A new girl I'm working on. She's grown a LOT since I first drew her. I like the clothes but I may make the dress longer. I didn't want her to be expressly beautiful, but still attractive. Her nose is a bit bigger and her eyebrows are a bit larger, but she's still cute. Very shy, very introverted, very quiet as she tries to disappear into the crowd.

I like this guy. Giving him a unique look to better stand out from the crowd, he's a shop clerk that Shadow helps out doing deliveries and whatnot. His story needs to be fleshed out more but I like having a big ol' boy sitting behind the counter, built like a sh*t brick house, taking up most of the room on his side but with a kind disposition.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I have been poked! So I must respond.

Hello again everyone! After a slight poke, I decided to go ahead and make another post. Here are a few things I've been working on and mulling over since last time.

This is a character idea for an old lady concept. She'll get fleshed out a bit more later but she's an essential part of the story.

Another essential story character. I need to keep working on his design though. I feel as though it's just not quite what I'm looking for yet but I'm on the right track.

I'm thinking of making this guy Shade's BF. He'll be quiet and meek and he's actually going to be younger than Shadow. Maybe? idk, I'm working on it. Anyway, he'll be part of maybe a religious or special group within the story. He has eyes and can see just fine but his deal, and other like him, is that he can see things far far away, beyond the scope of eyesight. Maybe use them as seers or prophets of sorts? Either way, they're further in tune with the goings on in their world but only the highest of the classes have access to the deepest secrets. mmmmmmmaybe... we'll see how it all pans out in my head later, but the idea is there and so is the design. I may further refine him later, maybe even simplifying his look a touch.